Mindful coloring Affirmation Cards

Mindful coloring Affirmation Cards

Affirmation cards set (digital download). Instant access to 8 cards that combine affirmations and mindful colouring.

Download & print as often as you like, either individually (big or small) or as the full set of 8 to one page (e.g. to A3 or A4).
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Suggestions for use:

Setting your intention is not about positive thinking, nor about overriding unhelpful thoughts.

Read each affirmation and feel how open you are to it, or how readily you shut it down. If you have a particular aversion to an affirmation, it could mean that you believe the opposite to be true. This is worth exploring because the beliefs we hold in our core direct our life experiences.

Find an affirmation/card that you wish was true for you. Sit with this card, and begin to imagine a life where you believe the affirmations to be true, a life where these statements are what you really believe about life. Start to become aware of all the reasons that you cannot have this as a truth in your life – where did these ideas come from, and how did they become so firm?

The more you practice this, and open yourself to the possibility that the affirmation can be true within your life, the more it becomes a possibility in your life. You may start to see new options, gain new ideas, and see new possibilities.

As you sit with the card, you may enjoy adding colour to the little zen doodles while holding an affirmation in your mind. Or you may enjoy tracing the lines of the zen doodle with a pencil or with your eyes. Or you may be inspired to draw your own zen doodles – go with what you are drawn towards in the moment 🙂

How these cards can help:

– explore your stuck points and new possibilities

– find and set intentions for your life

– help you identify self-limiting beliefs (be aware of what pops into your mind as you read each affirmation)

– reflect on situations in your life that seem to be affirming the opposite

Created by Anna Wiederroth, inspired by the book ‘Creative Visualisation’ by Shakti Gawain